Ashley Anne is back and better than ever with a “empowering, silly and raw” song titled “Get Well Soon,” available to stream TODAY (May 19th) on all platforms.
If you have not heard of the budding songstress before, Ashley Anne describes herself as “a bubbly, beach/sunshine loving, authentic person” who loves to use her music “to be healing to people, whether it be their escape in the good times or bad times of their life” — Her hot new track exemplifies this perfectly!
Drawing inspiration from Zac Brown Band, Miranda Lambert and Johnny Cash, “Get Well Soon” was created with the intention of squashing ALL negativity, “using her haunting vocals and unique songwriting abilities to empower anyone who has ever been a victim of bullying, as well as emphasize to people that kindness does make a big difference.”
In an exclusive interview with Celeb Secrets, Ashley shared with us the story behind “Get Well Soon,” how the track got its start, and even some behind-the-scenes secrets about its creative process.
“The meaning behind ‘Get Well Soon’ all begins with a girl calling me out for something I was insecure about, and me trying to make light of a dark situation through music,” she dished. “Initially, it was a song for my healing journey. A song to help get me through a slight inconvenience and make fun of it in a sense. After having shared it with friends, I realized it could help so many more people than just myself.”
“It acts as an empowering anthem to those who have been bullied and a sentimental understanding towards those who bully,” Ashley continued passionately. “The song, to me, is a silly way of wishing bullies the best, but it is true. I genuinely from the bottom of my heart wish the best for people who are hurting.”
“This song is in no way a ‘screw off’ song by any means — Just a fun little hook to get the listener laughing,” she concluded.
“Get Well Soon” is truly one-of-a-kind, and after teasing it on TikTok for months, fans are thrilled to finally have it available to stream on all platforms.
Before checking out Ashley Anne’s hot new track, be sure to read our full Q&A with her below. Afterwards, let us know what you think of the budding songstress by either leaving a reaction at the bottom of the post, or by sending us a tweet at @CS_Country.
You can learn more about the rising star by connecting with her on Instagram @ashleyannemusic and TikTok @ashleyannemusic_ — You may even get a sneak peek into some upcoming music!
Celeb Secrets: For people who may not know you just yet, can you explain your musical style as well as your musical beginnings?
Ashley Anne: “To sum me up as a person and as an artist, I am a bubbly, beach/sunshine loving, authentic person. I love for my music to be healing to people, whether it be their escape in the good times or bad times of their life. I consider my music to be fun, real, silly (at times), relatable and healing. My musical beginnings start with a young little girl dreaming of being a star. I have been singing since I could talk, playing the guitar since I was 10, songwriting since I was 11 and playing the piano since I was 12. Music is the only thing in my life that has continuously been there for me, and I fall more in love with it everyday.”
CS: Your single “Get Well Soon” comes out on May 19th! How does it feel knowing that you will have more original music out in the world?
AA: “For me, releasing music is the best part of being an artist. It is scary, exciting, fulfilling and overwhelming (in the best way possible). The fact that I get to create a piece of art and have the opportunity to share with an audience is nothing short of a blessing. I am so excited to see how the world reacts to this song.”
CS: Can you tell us a little bit about the meaning/story behind this song?
AA: “The meaning behind ‘Get Well Soon’ all begins with a girl calling me out for something I was insecure about, and me trying to make light of a dark situation through music. Initially, it was a song for my healing journey. A song to help get me through a slight inconvenience and make fun of it in a sense. After having shared it with friends, I realized it could help so many more people than just myself. It acts as an empowering anthem to those who have been bullied and a sentimental understanding towards those who bully. The song, to me, is a silly way of wishing bullies the best, but it is true. I genuinely from the bottom of my heart wish the best for people who are hurting. This song is in no way a ‘screw off’ song by any means — Just a fun little hook to get the listener laughing.”
CS: What advice do you have for someone who may be experiencing bullying?
AA: “My biggest advice for someone who may be experiencing bullying is to just try to put on a positive lens of understanding, and be aware of the fact that that person is probably in a dark space of their life. Pray for them. Hope they find happiness, and don’t let their words take away your own.”
@ashleyannemusic who wants a “scream it with ur bestie” song? #unreleasedmusic #unreleasedsong #unreleased #countrymusic #singersongwriter #nashvilletn #ashleyannemusic #countryartist #getwellsoon #jealousy
CS: Who/what were some of your inspirations when creating this track in particular?
AA: “I definitely geared towards Zac Brown Band, Miranda Lambert and Johnny Cash as far as inspiration for the production of this song. You wouldn’t really think to put those three together, but I wanted the song to sound like something no one had ever heard before — I think it is so unique.”
CS: Who/what are some of your inspirations when creating your music in general?
AA: “I really do try to stray away from having set-in-stone musical inspirations as far as my music, because I like it to be new and different. I take it song by song, and I feel it out while trying to figure out who I can pull inspiration from for that specific song.”
CS: Is there a certain lyric within “Get Well Soon” that you are especially proud of?
AA: “A line that I love in ‘Get Well Soon’ has to be ‘ain’t a doctor in town that can fix ya.’ It is silly in the sense of like ‘oh obviously there is no doctor to treat jealousy,’ because it doesn’t actually exist as a disease, but the hidden meaning behind it is this idea that we are all really only here for ourselves, and we have to find strength within ourselves and genuinely want to be better before anyone can guide us to healing.”
CS: If you could describe this song in three words, what would they be?
AA: “Three words I would use to describe ‘Get Well Soon’ would be empowering, silly and raw.”
CS: If fans can take away one core message from this track, what would you want it to be?
AA: “I would say the biggest core message of this song is to treat people with kindness. It literally takes less effort to be kind than it does to be mean.”
CS: If fans can take away one core message from your music as a whole, what would you want it to be?
AA: “If fans can take away one core message from my music as a whole, I would just want it to be that someone is always here for you, and you are never truly alone. I like for my music to be a friend, whether a friend to laugh with or a friend to cry with, I wanna make that for people.”
CS: What did the creative process look like creating “Get Well Soon” in particular? Were there any quirks to your method?
AA: “The creative process for ‘Get Well Soon’ was truly unlike any song I have written. I remember just spitting words out — phrases out — not even creating a blueprint (verse, chorus, etc.) for the song until the end. I wrote the chorus first. I wrote it almost like it was a verse, very slow and hanging around my lower register, and I made it a chorus, because I wanted the listener to be surprised when it came. The hook was actually inspired by my older sister’s advice. I had been explaining to her what had happened between me and someone else, and she jokingly said ‘jealousy is a disease. Tell her to get well soon.’ I figured it was funny, and it was a good way of making light of a dark situation, so I took it and ran. I also feel like the hook is something I personally would never say seriously to someone, but I think that’s what makes the song fun, because it’s so not serious.”
CS: Where do you typically channel your creativity when making a new song?
AA: “Typically I channel my energy from a specific situation I am dealing with. I have said it before, but I have yet to write a song I haven’t experienced myself. I find it difficult, so I usually am empowered by what I am going through and I pour my emotions into lyrics.”
CS: Is there a certain person that you really look up to when it comes to songwriting?
AA: “I look up to Dolly Parton as far as songwriting. because I love the way she can so effortlessly tell a very vivid, specific story and make a universal, relatable story. She changed my definition of the term ‘relatable.’ For instance, is there anyone who went through ‘Jolene‘ word for word? Probably not, but it has become one of her most popular songs because the purpose of the song is so relatable to many. I admire her ability to make specifics relatable.”
CS: Is there a certain person that you would want to co-write with someday?
AA: “Some of my dream co-writes would be HARDY, Larry Fleet, Carter Faith and Dolly Parton. Their writing styles are all so different but so amazing, and I would love to learn different things from each of them.”
CS: Is “Get Well Soon” a part of an upcoming project? If so, what can you tease to us?
AA: “‘Get Well Soon’ is not really a part of an upcoming project, at least not to my knowledge right now. I would love to do an EP or an album in the future though.”
CS: With the release of new music comes room for collaborations as well! Who is your dream collaboration?
AA: “My dream collaboration would have to be HARDY. My friends know very well that I could listen to his music all day, and I love how diverse his music is as far as the vibe and the messages he is portraying.”
CS: Do you have any plans for live performances in 2023? If so, what can fans expect to see at an Ashley Anne show?
AA: “Right now this year is looking like a lot of writer’s rounds, and hopefully some shows this summer and leaning into the fall. One thing to expect at an Ashley Anne show is probably tears one second and dance party the next second.”
CS: Out of all of your songs, which one is your favorite to play live?
AA: “One of my favorite songs to play live acoustically would be an unreleased song called ‘Chasin’ a Cowboy.’ I think melodically this song is so strong, and it really showcases my range, as well as my vibrato. As far as full band, I think my unreleased song ‘Fake Tan’ is the most fun, because it is so upbeat and energetic.”
CS: Do you have a certain city, venue or festival that you dream of performing at?
AA: “Like many Nashville artists, I aspire to play CMA Fest one day, and I would love to go out west and play some festivals there, because I have never really seen west of Tennessee.”
CS: Do you have any goals for yourself in 2023 career-wise?
AA: “For this year, I am manifesting and praying over playing Whiskey Jam, releasing more music, reaching a larger audience and opening for a headliner.”
CS: Do you have any goals that you want to accomplish during your lifetime as an artist?
AA: “The biggest goal for me and my music career is to reach and heal as many people as I possibly can. The second I am selling out arenas, THAT is when I know I have succeeded. I have brought happiness and comfort to others.”
CS: What has been the all-around most memorable moment in your musical journey so far?
AA: “Honestly, so far in my music career, the release of ‘Dear Dolly‘ has been the most memorable moment. The attention it got and the people it reached was beyond me, and I am still so thankful for it because I really believe it jumpstarted my career.”
CS: Lastly, since we are Celeb Secrets, do you have any secrets about either yourself or your music that fans might not know?
AA: “A secret about me is that the tan’s fake and the blonde’s real honey.”