With everything going on in the United States right now, it feels as if our nation is divided. Leslie Cours Mather‘s new song, “We Are America,” is a rallying cry for unity and what this country needs at the moment.
Mather wrote the compelling song immediately after 9/11. “I was heartbroken,” she recalls. “But all over Los Angeles, you’d see countless American flags flying from cars. Our country was unified – briefly.”
Leslie, a self-professed “Army Brat,”admits to feeling a certain level of disappointment when LA Lakers’ flags replaced the stars and stripes just a few short months later. “I think that if people are indifferent we have a problem,” Mather states. “It seems more important than ever that we remember that we are a people united by this country we call home…united we stand; divided we fall. That’s what “We Are America” is all about – and why we’re releasing it now.”
“We Are America” shows Mather in a new light. Her previous three MusicRow Country Breakout™ Chart singles (“That Was The Whiskey,” “Hell Hath No Fury,” “Countrified”) were targeted at Country audiences and more focused on the singer’s sense of fun and showcasing her amazing vocal versatility. Appealing to a broader scope of listeners, the new release takes an unapologetic patriotic stand.
“I always try to bring a message of hope and goodness into my music,” Leslie says. “I think anyone from a military family has a heightened sense of patriotism; I certainly do – and my hope is to see people fall in love with America again.”
Listen to “We Are America” below.