The word “uncertainty” is often thrown around when you think about tomorrow or what the future may hold. To find certainty in times of uncertainty, one can trust the universe to guide them down the right path or some may even turn to the man upstairs for their plan and purpose in life. Kentucky-bred singer and songwriter, Anne Wilson trusted her Jesus to find strength after a sudden family tragedy. 

In 2017, Wilson lost her brother, Jacob to a horrific car accident. After hearing the news from her father, the artist got a sign from God to be the family anchor. “I heard God say to me, clear as day, ‘Anne, are you going to trust Me?’ I turned around right in that room, and I spoke to Jesus, and I said ‘Jesus, I trust you,’” says Wilson about the transformative moment. “All of a sudden, the weight of death was lifted fully off my shoulders, and I felt like I could breathe. I had this assurance that God was going to pull me through this tragedy to the other side.” 

Her Jesus did not just provide strength to navigate the difficult time, but he gave her the courage to stand in front of an audience for the very first time at her brother’s funeral and perform. “I sat down to play, and God said, ‘this is what I’m calling you to do. I’m calling you to praise and worship my name,’ Wilson shared with Celeb Secrets Country in an exclusive interview. “Up until that point, I have never dreamed of being a singer or singing for God.” 

Many believe that “everything happens for a reason,” and if it wasn’t for Anne’s challenging upbringing and hardships, the talented songstress wouldn’t have followed her passion for music. In fact, it was her moving performance of “What A Beautiful Name” at Jacob’s funeral that scored her a record deal with Capitol Christian Group

Anne started using music as an outlet and a way to cope with her brother’s passing and to journal about her close relationship with God. The detailed entries quickly became the building blocks to song lyrics, as she frequently turns to the entries for inspiration. When Anne decided to craft her  single “My Jesus,” she flipped open her journal and ripped out the page that called her name. 

Her single “My Jesus” is about her intimate relationship with Christ and she hopes that her loyal community understands that Jesus can be personal for them too and how he could guide them through tough situations if you let him in. Wilson penned the charismatic ballad alongside Jeff Pardo and Matthew West

The talented group of songwriters found a great balance between maintaining the Christian underlining message while incorporating a country twang. As they produced the heartfelt track that calls for a mountain of Kleenex, they pulled inspiration from country music royalty such as Jonny Cash and Dolly Parton

Credit: Twitter @AnneWilsonmusic

After channeling her country sense of storytelling, she released her debut EP My Jesus on April 16, which includes “Something About That Name,” “Devil,” and “My Jesus.” “I love country music and I feel like Satan always just taunts us and always speaks lies over us…and sometimes it feels like the enemy has total victory,” says Anne about her country-focused hit “Devil.” 

In the exclusive Celeb Secrets Country interview, the artist explained that the “Devil” came from a confusing place, because oftentimes we believe that Satan has the victory. However, if you decode the powerful lyrics that highlight her impressive vocal range – you will recognize that God has the win, since he was the one who brought life to us and death to the devil. 

As country and gospel fans cherish the relatable and authentic hits that the dynamic musician brought to the table, they can also prepare themselves for new releases come the summer of 2021. “We are working on some new music right now,” says Anne. “It’s coming this summer and I am so excited because these songs mean a little bit more than the songs I recently put out. They are incredibly special and there’s one in particular, that I want you to hear – it’s a story song and it’s about memories.” 

Until then, Anne is serving up premium content on TikTok and all over social media. Let us know how you feel about her debut EP My Jesus and if you included her 3-track collection to your playlist by leaving a reaction below or tweeting us at @CS_Country

Learn more about Anne’s music and her journey by watching our full interview below. 
