Billy Ray Cyrus, paid tribute to America’s veterans with his patriotic anthem, “Some Gave All” amongst other career hits and presented a call-to-action through a Facebook Live stream.
Cyrus encourages all to replace their current political outlook, no matter what that be, with positivity and respect.
“Today and every day, no matter where you are, please thank our veterans for the right, the privilege, and the freedom we share… in peace. That’s what it’s [Veterans Day] all about.”
Recently, Cyrus volunteered his time and talent at Appleton Harley-Davidson in Clarksville, Tenn. in which he led a parade of motorcycles in the Eagle Toy Run throughout the area in support of the families at Fort Campbell Airforce and Army Installation.
Cyrus was joined on his motorcycle by local news anchor, Demetria Kalodimos, who introduced Cyrus before he performed with his friend, veteran Derek Jones before contributing his own collection of teddy bears and toys.
Appleton Harley-Davidson is selling specially-made T-shirts to further raise support of the families at Fort Campbell and our military’s efforts. For information on the shirts, head to Appleton Harley-Davidson’s Facebook page.