Budding country songstress Jenna Paulette is blazing a trail for women in country music. Adventurous, free-spirited, hard working, and obviously extremely talented, Paulette is drawing in fans from all over the world with her strong sense of girl power!

The Texas native has had an extremely busy summer so far, as she performed at the 2019 CMA Music Festival in Nashville back in June and released a new single “Wild Like The West” — all while finishing up her EP, Modern Cowgirl Vol. 1, that’s dropping next month!

“I think for me creating space to be creative and to actually live my real life riding horses and working cattle are the things that actually give my music a backbone,” Paulette tells Celeb Secrets Country exclusively. “I think that stuff is almost just as important as working hard on a daily basis. Every Sunday I go out and ride and any chance I have I’m home working our cattle. My goal in all of this is to pull a George Strait and have my own herd in Texas and be doing this on a high level.”

Celeb Secrets Country spoke to Paulette about her music, involvement with Song Suffragettes and more. Take a read at the full Q&A below and make sure to follow Jenna on  Facebook and Instagram for new updates. 

CS Country: Can you talk to us about your new single ‘Wild Like The West?’

Jenna Paulette: “Internally I was feeling a lot of friction and needed to be free and able to do what I want to do. I love Nashville, but I love Texas and my soul comes alive there. Sometimes it’s like, ‘let me be wild like the west. I wish I were there.’ I wrote in like a love scenario about a girl, but the girl is me and the situation can be applied to a relationship or a relationship with a place like this. I have to be here, I want to be here, and I love music but my heart is definitely home.”

CSC: How did you get involved with Song Suffragettes and their Time’s Upvideo? 

JP: “I’ve loved Todd Cassetty ever since I got to town. He’s in charge of Song Suffragettes with Kalie Shorr. They wrote that song in a day and then called all of us to shoot the video for it the following weekend. I was like, ‘um heck yeah.’ They asked me to wear my cowboy hat so if you watch it, I’m the one in the cowboy hat just for some diversity. It was a cool thing to be apart of and all of those girls really are friends so it’s cool to be in the same room with people who support each other and then get to do something fun like that. I love being a part of Song Suffragettes.”

CSC: Do you have a story from set that sticks out from that day?

JP: “Yes. I was thinking about it as I was talking to you. It’s actually kind of embarrassing to me because I was wearing these thigh high boots and a little silk black dress with black tights and a sweater on top of it. It was freezing out. So everyone was hopping in cars to go get some lunch and I was getting something out of my truck and I shut the door and slipped on a patch of ice and my entire skirt went up over my bottom and everybody could see it. Which sounds horrible but it was only girls. It was so funny. I almost wish somebody got a boomerang of it just so somebody could laugh at me forever. I love it when stuff like that happens. It’s just funny to me. I had a massive bruise but it was so worth it.”

CSC: Your song ‘I Love You So Much’ was named one of Cosmopolitan’s ‘Six Country Pop Songs That Will Make You Feel Major Things.’ What kind of major things will it make you feel for someone who hasn’t heard the song yet?

JP: “The major things are that you’ll probably really want to make out with somebody. I was kind of like a serial kisser growing up. Anybody that was willing I was like, “sure, why not? Practice makes perfect you know?” which is horrible but so true. That’s what that song is about really. I just love a good makeout sesh.”

CSC: How do you have time to sleep, create new music, and focus on getting your music out?

JP: “I think for me creating space to be creative and to actually live my real life riding horses and working cattle are the things that actually give my music a backbone,” Paulette tells Celeb Secrets Country exclusively. “I think that stuff is almost just as important as working hard on a daily basis. Every Sunday I go out and ride and any chance I have I’m home working our cattle. My goal in all of this is to pull a George Strait and have my own herd in Texas and be doing this on a high level.”
